Pastor, thrusting the message that God had you bring forth, I understand that I should carry citizenship as a Olympian athlete carries the torch to start the games. This is NO game where as you mentioned, people are leaving his earth without Christ and there’s no coming back to change that. You talked about the responsibilities, conditions and decisions that are made when it regards to an Ambassador. As one I acknowledge that I fall short and hearing them thru the message brigs me back to stoop out of the daily zone and regroup. I thank God for choosing you and your dedication in wanting to continue the race. CTW has been a small church and the vision always been to fill the seats, having not able to do that as not having the worship team among other ministries that we’ve incisiones, I personally thank you for staying strong and trusting Christ. I’ve been able to go under your shadows at times to feed off your strength in those moments of desperation in my life. Thank you for being the servant that God has you to be and for not quitting for the gold.
Pastor Vega, Vicky & CTW Congregation, thank you for today’s message and sharing the love of Christ. God is showing us the signs of times; to get our lives in order. I have Prayed that Christ love is represented in my life, Pray for me. I’m grateful for my brother in Christ and his wife, Andrew & Esther for being ambassadors of Christ & sharing their church family.
Vicky, thank you for those songs of worship. Bless you always sister
Pastor, thrusting the message that God had you bring forth, I understand that I should carry citizenship as a Olympian athlete carries the torch to start the games. This is NO game where as you mentioned, people are leaving his earth without Christ and there’s no coming back to change that. You talked about the responsibilities, conditions and decisions that are made when it regards to an Ambassador. As one I acknowledge that I fall short and hearing them thru the message brigs me back to stoop out of the daily zone and regroup. I thank God for choosing you and your dedication in wanting to continue the race. CTW has been a small church and the vision always been to fill the seats, having not able to do that as not having the worship team among other ministries that we’ve incisiones, I personally thank you for staying strong and trusting Christ. I’ve been able to go under your shadows at times to feed off your strength in those moments of desperation in my life. Thank you for being the servant that God has you to be and for not quitting for the gold.
Pastor Vega, Vicky & CTW Congregation, thank you for today’s message and sharing the love of Christ. God is showing us the signs of times; to get our lives in order. I have Prayed that Christ love is represented in my life, Pray for me. I’m grateful for my brother in Christ and his wife, Andrew & Esther for being ambassadors of Christ & sharing their church family.